We help companies capture and publish your entire sustainability strategy, from policy to measurements, and create reporting and communications approaches to show a sustainability commitment to stakeholders at every level.
We will design the content structure for integrated reporting on your organisation's sustainability, corporate social responsibility, environmental efforts and help to prepare the report.
Walking the talk, we further support you in creating and running sustainability communication strategies and campaigns within and amongst organisations and society. This is augmented by training and personal counselling, where necessary.
Stakeholder expectations on the reliability, accuracy, and relevance of data disclosure in non-financial reports are increasing. More organisations thus require external assurance on their sustainability information to:
challenge and confirm views expressed in the annual report as part of the narrative disclosure;
complement internal processes - such as internal audit or stakeholder engagement - which are designed to improve business sustainability and boost external stakeholders' trust;
enhance the credibility of information with those who use it to make economic and other decisions.
We will evaluate your Sustainability Report against the AA1000 Accountability Principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness, and to ensure the accuracy, robustness, and trustworthiness of the chosen scope of reporting through independent review.
Materiality Assessment - our proven materiality assessment process takes into account key stakeholder needs and concerns, and helps you develop your customised sustainability strategy. It leverages our web-based SYRS materiality software, enabling you to target stakeholders quickly and easily. Fully compliant with the principles within Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, our assessment includes broad consideration of societal trends as defined by the GRI Standards and Sector Disclosures.
Sustainability Reporting Process - Establish and monitor sustainability reporting processes. Structure sustainability reports based on materiality assessment. Assist and support your organisation in the creation of sustainability reports based on chosen frameworks including GRI Standards, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Sustainability Report Evaluation - Evaluate sustainability reports in line with standards, best practices and stakeholder expectations. Provide recommendations to improve report structures, content, processes, data collection and management systems.​​
Communications Support - Support you in creating and running sustainability communication strategies and campaigns within and amongst organisations and society. This is augmented by training and personal counselling, where necessary.
Evaluate and provide conclusions on:
the nature and extent of adherence to the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles
the quality of publicly disclosed information on sustainability performance
the nature and extent of adherence to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
carbon footprint / GHG emissions